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Enter PURP - a new political party for Portugal’s oldies

Enter PURP - a new political party for Portugal’s oldies As anyone who has lived and worked in Portugal for any time will know, the Portuguese are unconcerned about initials.

They seem perfectly content to have a health service abbreviated and widely referred to as ARS, and see no amusement at all in the decision to call a citizens’ advice bureau a BUM.

Now another group of clearly very lateral thinkers has come up with a new political party with the obscure campaign initials of PURP.

PURP will (try) to bang the drum for the nation’s elderly.

The initials stand for Partido Unido dos Reformados e Pensionistas (united party of retired people and pensioners).

Explains RTP, the new party means to change the political scenario and hopes to be ready to challenge the powers that be in the autumn elections.

To add to the spice of PURP we’re told that despite its name it actually means to represent young people, the unemployed and former fighters in the Colonial War.

Article courtesy of the Portugal Resident http://portugalresident.com/

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+2 #6 Joao Martins 2015-07-21 22:38
I remember a while ago in Australia there was a push to recruit younger members to the political parties,,, so
The Liberal party called themselves the Young Libs
The Labour party called themselves the Young Labs
The Country party failed to comment.
And again coming from Faro to Almancil on the EN125
a crazy young woman drives up behind me, about 2'' from my rear bumper waving her arms in the air, both lanes full of traffic, when i finally saw a spot i moved over, she pulls next to me at a million miles an hour and shouts in Portuguese, ''get out of the way, can't you see i'm in a hurry'' i was left speechless, :sad:
+5 #5 chez 2015-07-21 14:15
From the number of minus signs next to posts, it appears us Brits have upset a Portuguese reader :P
+6 #4 Malcolm.H 2015-07-21 08:20
former fighters in the Colonial War.....

Presumably asked already but which Colonial War ? The Portuguese clinging on to their old colonies in the 1960-1970's long after stronger countries had handed theirs back to their inhabitants.

Or the re-opening of hostilities around the centenary of an earlier (secret) Colonial War? The 1890 War of the Pink Map with the United Kingdom.

A War that was never declared to the UK so was never officially stopped. So never in our history books and still raging now as so many Brits will testify.

But which also superbly illustrates how Portugal has treated the European Union over the years. Its character. Claiming one thing but doing another. To the EU claiming for years, via fudged statistics, that it was an vibrant economy open for business. A strong asset to the EU.

Yet in reality never growing its economy and putting great effort into stopping the successful integration of emigrant entrepreneurs. Through intentional bureaucratic obstruction, disseminating wrong or misleading advice and in not supervising rampant over charging by all involved .
+5 #3 Mike Towl 2015-07-21 07:13
Apparently there's a branch in Greece, open to anyone over 40.
+7 #2 mm 2015-07-20 22:27
I have already my own political party.Partido Estragerio Socialsta Tambem...vota PEST


free beer at bars on sundays.
gnr to salute three times when they see all foreign car
all licences to be issued in 7 days
not issued in 7 days - camara staff to have 5 euros a day knocked off their wages
+4 #1 Robert Jones 2015-07-20 18:01
" former fighters in the Colonial War....."

So which Colonial War are they referring to? Just the 1960's to 1970's or can all Colonial Wars veterans be included ?

The British here have unknowingly landed themselves in a Colonial War with Portugal stretching back to the 1800's. That re-started in earnest around 1990.

So does that mean we can join PURP and get all our money back ? Added into Portugal's Public Debt - would be a good option.

All the money us Brits have lost skirmishing with platoons of Municipal Planning Officers; having pitched battles with Regiments of Portuguese Lawyers; being ambushed by the Corps of Portuguese Accountants; blockaded by Portuguese Architects and Builders; outflanked by Regional Development and sniped at by 1890 Pink Map enthusiast Vizinhos . Just to start with ....

and priced in also must be compensation for the fallen values of battle scarred property, the missing in action Brits presumed re-repatriated to the UK ....
and the costs of treating Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - the stress because Portugal is SUPPOSED to also be in the European Union !

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