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Audience selection on Facebook post promotions

Audience selection on Facebook post promotionsAre your post promotions on Facebook efficient? Are you really reaching people who are interested in your product or service?
Facebook post promotion is a common practice to really get to people on social media. When we spend our money on this social network, there is the option to select the audience you want to target. Are you doing it?

Keeping the hackers away – ensure that your WordPress website is secure

Keeping the hackers away – ensure that your WordPress website is secureToday we’d like to talk about website security. Let´s start with the “ugly truth”: nobody can be 100% protected online, there are no guarantees. But there are some guidelines that website owners can follow to, at least, make the task of hacking their website a more difficult one.

Google Ads recommendations: follow or ignore?

Google Ads recommendations: follow or ignore?Google Ads has a rather powerful algorithm, has huge amount of statistics about Internet usage and it’s becoming more and more intelligent, thanks to AI. So, when you visit the “Recommendations” section in your Google Ads account and see that Google has prepared some advice made specifically for you, your first instinct is to apply everything as quick as possible.

Google news by Clarity - the new algorithm

17329Google has rolled out a new big update to its algorithm. Learn more about it with Clarity.
Probably you’ve heard the buzz lately: Google has a new update to its algorithm and rumours are it is a big one.

Some thoughts about site structure

Some thoughts about site structureMost website owners are adding more and more pages to their website in pursuit of higher rankings in Google. They believe that Google loves high-quality useful content and that’s true. So, we just need to create more pages and wait for the success to come, right? Wrong!

‘Next-generation’ maritime technology, following €1million pan-Euro project

The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) located in Braga is the lead partner in the €1million ‘KETmaritime’ project backed by the European Regional Development FundA pioneering science centre based in northern Portugal is releasing details of a major pan-European project showcasing ‘next-generation’ technology to meet future demands of the Atlantic maritime industry.
The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) located in Braga is the lead partner in the €1million ‘KETmaritime’ project backed by the European Regional Development Fund. Founded by the governments of Portugal and Spain, the INL is a world-wide hub for the deployment of Nanotechnology addressing society’s grand challenges.

Business profile or personal profile on Instagram – which one do I have?

Business profile or personal profile on Instagram – which one do I have?So you have an Instagram account, but you’re wondering which kind of profile is yours – personal or business?!

No worries! We’ll help you figure out the differences! After all, the business profile didn’t exist on Instagram from its very beginning. This option was created in 2016 when Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) bought Instagram.

Google Ads tips by Clarity

Google Ads tips by ClaritySetting up Google Ads campaigns can be frustrating due to the big amount of options and settings available to the advertisers. Not surprisingly, many companies are always looking for a shortcut when it comes to creating a new campaign. So, when they hear “Automated bid strategy”, it sounds good, but then when they discover “Maximise conversions”, it sounds just amazing.