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Lagos teen in rape attack on way to school

Lagos teen in rape attack on way to schoolPJ police are looking for a young man who allegedly tried to rape a 15-year-old girl in Lagos on Wednesday morning (April 20).

The attack happened while the girl was walking to school “on her usual route” from her home on the outskirts of town.

Before approaching her, the young man – also believed to be in his teens (16-18) – had apparently been hiding behind waste bins.

“He bumped into me and started touching his phone,” the girl told national tabloid Correio da Manhã.

“He started groping me, he threw me onto the ground and tried to take off my trousers,” she said.

The girl’s screams alerted passers-by.

“All I saw was the young man running away,” said witness Carlos Nunes.

According to Nunes, he was wearing “jeans, a tracksuit jacket with the hood over his head” and had two backpacks.

The victim’s mother has reported the attack to PSP police but the investigation has passed to the PJ.

According to CM, the young girl is in “a state of shock” and “may need psychological support”.

Article by kind permission of http://portugalresident.com

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-2 #1 Darren 2016-04-21 19:18
Given this weeks news about the McCanns vs the policeman who was supposed to be leading the search for their missing child ... this depth of information is striking. Until so very recently we would have heard absolutely nothing. Maybe a couple of householders nearby might have been asked if they had heard or seen anything.

But no details whatsoever about the attacker could be released by the Police even to them ... so nothing about “jeans, a tracksuit jacket with the hood over his head” and had two backpacks". Which anywhere more developed would help jolt memories.

If you have not had 100 years of Salazarism it is very odd. To elderly Portuguese it is not. 'It is Allah's Will. We must all, as we have always done, just accept it is His Will'.

Quite a battle ahead for younger Portuguese intending to stay and grow old in this country! Yet attempt to improve it.

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