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€5.4 million of new sand for Algarve's beaches

Benagil beachThe Secretary of State for the Environment has announced that the Algarve is to benefit from a spend of €5.4 million. This is for the construction of new access to three beaches and the addition of tonnes of sand.

Most of this investment, €5 million, will be spent on adding sand to the beaches of Carvoeiro, Benagil, Cova Redonda and Praia Nova (Lagoa), D. Ana (Lagos) and the Castelo and Coelha beaches in Albufeira.

The access tunnel to the beach in Albufeira, and the access to Praia da Rocha (Portimão), will also undergo renovations and the goal is to minimise the risks associated with the cliffs, improving the access to the beaches and directing users to secure areas. In other areas raised wooden walkways will be built as some access to beach areas is damaged and needs repair.

The ministry wants the sand put on the beaches before next tourist season and the contract was signed today by local councils and the Portuguese Environment Agency which will oversee the work.  

These coastal improvements are just part of that authorised under the Plan of Action for the Protection and Enhancement of the Coast (2012-2015) with approvals so far for work up to €199.4 million.

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+1 #3 Anthony Martin 2013-11-03 14:04
When the sand at Vale de Lobo was 'replenished' a pipe was laid from the beach to a vacuum pump on board an offshore boat. The sand (along with a good selection of sea-life) was sucked out of the sea bed and spread over the existing beach.
+1 #2 tom 2013-11-03 14:01
We see light at the end of the tunnel. Red light probably?
There are signs of recovery. More unemployment and more taxes probably?
Creating new jobs is priority number ONE, a minister said( no, not the PM), but we have a solution: Let's
bring sand to the beaches. Let's stimulate the suffering construction by building SANDCASTLES.

I suggest to send them all some beachmade sandcakes
+2 #1 Peter Booker 2013-10-28 09:22
In due course, all of this "new sand" or as I suspect, replacement sand, will end up on the beaches of the eastern Algarve. I don´t know where the "new sand" will come from, but I have a fine mental picture of lorries bringing the stuff from Manta Rota, only for the sea to take it back again.

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