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Portugal's residents are really quite miserable

Not happy coelhosPortugal had made significant progress in recent years in modernising its economy and improving the quality of life for its citizens, according to a new report's preamble, but the financial crisis has seen an end all of that happiness nonsense.

In its latest report, ‘How's Life?’ the OECD shows that Portugal is among the 10 countries with the lowest quality of life, behind fun-loving Korea, Slovakia and Poland.

Summer hotel numbers up, but revenue drops

Hotels in the Algarve beat the averageOccupancy of Portugal’s remaining hotels may have been at pleasing levels this summer but did the sector make any money?

The Hospitality Association of Portugal said today that hotel revenue actually dropped 9.17% this August compared to 2012 - a pretty dire year with which to compare figures.

Albufeira pushes winter holidays to Dubliners

Albufeira, a winter destination tooAlbufeira’s tourism board has been in Ireland at the over 50s show to promote itself as an out of season holiday location. The tourism promotional arm of Albufeira council was enjoying the delights of Dublin at the end of October with the objective of investing in markets and segments to help combat seasonality in Albufeira which, of all the Algarve’s regions, has the greatest reliance on the summer trade.

Work starts on the Algarve's new Medical Faculty

New medical faculty for the AlgarveThe Faculty of Medicine at the University of Algarve in Faro is to become a reality in 18 months. Work started two weeks ago with a target completion date of summer 2015.

"The administrative process, from the preparation of the design, tendering and government approvals to move forward with the work took two and a half years," said João Guerreiro, rector of the University of Algarve (UAlg), indicating that the process had been time consuming but the medical school will be taking students in 2015/16.

Ryanair bends to customer demand

Ryanair goes soft The budget carrier has reached the conclusion that it has to do more to win business.  As a result, it announced that it will begin seat allocation starting in February 2014.

Its chief, Michael O’Leary, also confessed that the Ryanair website was "notoriously awful".

Poor education puts migrants into jobs

Immigrants fill jobsOne in five skilled jobs in the UK is now filled by an immigrant because of a lack of skilled British graduates.

Companies are obliged to hire foreign-born workers in a range of “strategically important” areas because children in Britain continue to shun maths and science studies, according to a review commissioned by the government.

Britons turn into sole traders

British sole tradersThe trend for people in the UK to become sole traders took has risen in the past few years and now stands at 1.7 million.

Research conducted by the insurer LV= found there are 1.7 million "one-man-bands" operating in the UK. Some 27% of these generate an annual turnover in excess of £51,000 and 5% earn in excess of £150,000.

5 Brits stabbed - Portuguese D.J. held by police

Partytime stabbingsA Portuguese Disc Jockey is being held by Spanish police in Majorca for allegedly stabbing five Britons at a partytime resort.

The incidents occurred in Calvia on Saturday. The suspect is alleged to have stabbed a man with a knife and was then chased by a group of four whom he also attacked causing serious injuries.